One thing people don’t emphasize enough about getting older is the transformation of your skin. Of course, we know about wrinkles and loss of elasticity of your skin, but what about the skin type? Yes, your skin type can and will change with age and time. I spent most of my life having oily, acne-prone skin, which made my teenage years a dream. However, now that I’ve crossed into my 40s, my skin type is type that I never thought I would have; dry. For the past few weeks, I’ve been waking up to some of the driest skin I’ve ever seen on me. So, I’ve been adding more hydrating products here and there, but now I’m ready to start fixing my dry skin problem.
Unfortunately, dry skin on my face is a new issue that I’m experiencing. I have used some products over the years that have helped me and others who have had to deal with the occasional dry, patchy skin. So, I’ve dug deep into my memory bank and skincare blog and sites and picked up a some products to help. Keep reading to see what I recently picked up to try and why.
When I first notices that my skin was a litte drier that usual, I added a hydrating cleanser and toner. They have helped, but I decided to try an old school product; Dove Face Bar. I know that we were always told not use bar soap on our face. Recently, there was some discord online, because some people started to use Dial soap on their face. However, I may share my take on that in a future post. As for using Dove face bar on your face, I used to use this back in college. The reason being is because it’s a moisturizing bar soap that was gentle enough to use on your face, but also moisturizing. I’m hoping that the formula is still the same; moisturizing. Also, you can get a bar at most dollar stores.
Although, I’m trying to repair my winter skin, that winter skin also brought some breakouts. Also, some of the breakouts were hormonal, which made me realize that I needed to add acne face wash. I’ve bought this Panoxyl cleanser so many times and it always works when needed. However, I only use it when I have breakouts, which mostly show up that time of the month. Still, it helps combat acne without drying it out too much.
Finally, I’ve been wanting to get a new tube of the Weleda Skin Food moisturizer for a long time now. I first tried it years ago; back when it still came in a metal tube. This moisturizer was my go-to hand cream, because it made my skin so soft. This is an super moisturizing cream for people with dry skin. Initially, I think I’m going to use it as my nightime moisturizer. If it’s not too rich, I may occasionally use it during the day time for no-makeup days. However, I do see that they have nighttime cream collections for many skint types. I guess I may be trying more products from Weleda soon.