LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 16, 2016

link-end round-up 9-16-16

Wow, Friday really crept up on me, because it wasn’t until late last night when I realize that today is Friday. So, I’m up real early to bring to you this week’s edition of Link-End Round-Up. I might feel a little behind, because I took a personal day on Wednesday. When I say I took a personal day, I mean just that. I was slumped on my sofa watching recorded episodes of Fixer Upper and The First 48 until I convinced myself to get up and go to the store to get a container of Talenti Caramel Cookie Crunch gelato. Always worth the drive and calories.

In honesty, since I’ve been really busy at work, I just needed a quick day to be responsible for nothing more than remembering to delete the episodes after I watched them to avoid clogging up my DVR. It was a great lazy day! Apparently, it was just what I needed, because I knocked out so much stuff on my always evolving daily to-do list when I got back to the office with time to spare.

Speaking of my daily to-do list, which I’ve discussed before, this week I decided to be a little more “particular” with it. Usually, I just write down the things I need to do and scratch them off as I go. However, this week, I decided that I would break each task down by the time and hours I work on each one. Everyday, the first task is to check my email. It’s still the first task on the list. However, I only deal with emails between 9am and 9:30am. That’s enough time for me to sort, respond, and archive them. After that, I usually spend an hour or two working on actual work tasks or blog tasks. Other than emails, I’ve broken each task to 1-2 hours each. So far, it’s been pretty good. I’ve been able to finish each task each day. There are few tweaks I need to make to the process, which I plan to do next week.

I’m starting to research and learn more about mindfulness. I’m intrigued about learning how the brain works and when it works best.

This weekend, I plan to attend one of my favorite local fall festivals, Cooper-Young Festival. The weather should be decent, but I still plan to go as early as possible to avoid big crowds and problematic parking. I hate having to deal with parking in any situation. Stressful.

Enough of my blabbering. I’ll be back next week. See you then and enjoy this week’s Link-End Round-Up.

LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 16, 2016

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