Sunglasses For…Round Faces

Shopping for sunglasses is almost like shopping for bras. When shopping for either, we have an idea of what looks right or fits, but in the end, we just buy what looks cute and fits. However, that’s not really a good method for shopping for either.

When you have the right size and style of bra, it compliments everything else, including your outfit, posture, and overall look. Well, the same can be said for sunglasses. When you know what style of sunglasses fits you, it will compliment everything else. So, I’ve decided to do a little series about which types of sunglasses work for each face shape and why not start with my face shape….ROUND!

Don’t get me wrong, I love me some me, but I’m not too fond of my round face. It’s cute and helps in throwing people off on my age, but there are just some things that my face hinders me and my preferred style. Off the top of my head…bangs. I would love to have some straight edge bangs every now and then without feeling like I look like a chubby chinese geisha. My eyes aren’t that wide either, but that’s another story. Still, it made it hard for me to find sunglasses that worked for me and not make my head look wider or chubbier. Eventually, I was able to find sunglasses that not only fit my round face, but complimented me and made me look fabulous…in my opinion.

Here are rules from about shopping for sunglasses for round faces:

  • Go for a frame that is wider than you face. Some frames come in different sizes, so opt for the largest frame.
  • Stay away from round frames and opt for angular silhouettes instead. Square and rectangular frames fit the bill.
  • Embellished and branded arms will accent a frame, giving a round face more definition.
  • For guys, solid acetate framework in dark colors and prints will keep things masculine and create a defined outline.
  • Embellishment and gradient lenses in soft ambers and purple hues are ideal mixed with cat-eyed and rectangular frames for a female silhouette.
  • Wayfarer frames hold a unisex appeal with bold prints and colors packing a punch and complimenting a round face.

Stay Stylish!

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Make-Up Monday…err..Tuesday: Recent Empties #1

Some of you might not know this, but I some point in my life I was a HUGE make-up buying motha-lova, especially in college! Seriously. I’ve bought so much make-up over my life that I still have plenty that could hold me for the rest of the my life if it wasn’t for those pesky expiration dates. Yes, make-up has expiration dates!

Anyway, the older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve decided to spread my money elsewhere such as to clothes, home decor, and oh, yeah…bills. 🙁  So, when it has been coming to me running out of a make-up product, I’ve been doing one of two things; See if I already have something to replace it with OR decide if I really need it and buy a replacement that I already know works (read: No new products that I haven’t tried and loved before.)

So, here are some reviews on products that I completely used up and ran out of recently. From left to right, ladies and gents.

  • Vichy Dermablend Corrective Foundation, $29.50, Vichy – I bought this online in January 2011 while being snowed in at my apartment alone. Whenever anyone is stranded indoors with some form of internet access, there has to be some major spikes in online sales. If you have skin discoloration or moments where you need small touches of full coverage, then this is the product you need to keep in your makeup collection. Full coverage, with SPF and allergy tested and approved. This stuff lasts almost forever and I probably would’ve had this longer, but I began to mix it with another foundation (next product) so that helped me run out. The only set back for this foundation is that there aren’t many color selections, only 4 to be exact. I got the “darkest” color they offered which is Golden and it was super light on my NC42 skin. I hope they get more colors eventually, but until then find a good darker and super lightweight foundation to mix with it. I will definitely be buying this again and hopefully soon.
  • Maybelline Pure Makeup Foundation in Dark, $8.89, Amazon – I bought this foundation about 3 years ago, I believe (eekk!) when a local drugstore chain was bought out by Walgreens and they were selling EVERYTHING at drastically low prices. I think I paid only $1 for this foundation which was brand new. Dark was the closet color they had to my complexion that wasn’t too light. After some quick Google searches, it seems like this product has been discontinued, which sucks, because this foundation was pretty great. It was 50% water and oil free, which meant lightweight and great for practically all skin types. The application was really smooth and quite lovely. When I ran out of my Clinique Stay-Matte foundation, I reached for this one. However, it was still too dark for me. So, I began mixing it with just a dab of the dermablend foundation(above) and I was in love with the mixture of the two. They provided me with the perfect shade, coverage, and texture! Although it might be discontinued, you can still find some online retailers selling it, but I would be a leary about the expiration dates considering I’m not sure if or when this was discontinued. I wish I could’ve tried this in a color closer to my complexion.
  • Origins VitaZing moisturizer and GinZing eye cream, $30 and $35, – I got these 2 items in a special set at Macy’s a few months ago and apparently they were the perfect amount to compliment each other, because I ran out of both within 2 days of each other. Nice! Anyway, I loved these guys! The eye cream is great and you can read my quick and to the point review here. The moisturizer was 2-fer! It was moisturizer, but also has a sheer tint of color, which gives the skin a nice and luminous glow underneath your makeup. I would definitely buy these products again in the future, especially the eye cream.

Okay, there you have a list of products that I emptied! I wonder what are the things I’m going to hit empty or “pan” on. Well, we’ll see!

Stay Stylish!

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REVIEW: Panasonic Facial Hair Trimmer

So, in case you are new here, I’m a descendent of a hairy Mexican ancestry, thanks to mi madre. I’m not joking when I say I tweeze some form of facial hair every single day. Actually, it’s something I do in my past time while I’m at work looking for something to do or relax. It’s the new biting nails! I’ve tweezed so much over my life that the nerves around my eyebrows and chin no longer exist. I can tweeze those areas all day, everyday without so much as a flinch.

However, when it comes to my upper lip? Oh, honey, no tweezing. My nerves are still very much active and alert in that area. So, it’s either waxing which hurts like hell, but a overall crowd pleaser or shaving, which is quick, painless, and to the point. I even carry a razor in my makeup for days when the light over my cubicle pick up hairs over my lip that the dull and unsexy light in my bedroom misses.

A few weeks ago, my tried, true, and trusty razor was replaced by Panasonic’s new Facial Hair Trimmer. This little pick tube is fanastic! The sleek and pink look is very discreet and the skin guard and blade makes for not only quick and pain-free hair removal, but a nice cool touch for such an unfortunate task. The only thing that would make this completely discreet is if they could get rid of the whirring sound that the blades make, but the sound isn’t that loud. Still, it would be nice, but it’s coming.

So, if you are looking for a jazzy little portable razor for those unwanted, but needed touch-ups to remove that diabolical facial hair human wigs, look no further than this!

Stay Stylish!

*Disclaimer: This product was sent to me to review. All opinions expressed are mine and were not influenced by anyone or company. trust.

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My Little Fabulous and Shiny Black Pony

The older you get, the more understanding you are when it comes to to realizing things, such as there is no such thing as rainbows with pots of gold at the end and despite what Tumblr posts says, there are no such things as actually unicorns. Although, I still have my fingers crossed for both.

Well, I can add having these Christian Louboutin Glamafrange Leather Boots to the list of things that I’ve come to realization that I won’t be getting anytime soon, if ever. The link that directs me to their awesomeness has been kicking in my bookmarks for about a month now and I think I finally let it be free and be introduced to someone who might actually be able to buy them and look fab in the process. Be free my little pony looking boots and encourage someone to drop the major duckets on you to have you live in their, in sure, exquisite closet.

Stay Stylish!

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Shirtdresses. The name says it all, I think. However, if you want a little more clarity, it’s basically a dress that looks like an oversized shirt. Back in the good ol’ days (a la’ the 80s and 90s), this look was easily achievable by getting the oxford style, button down shirt of a larger person (i.e. your dad or older and bigger brother) and wearing it as a dress. Preferable cinched or not cinched with a belt and voila’…chicness.

I guess you could still get do that, but that’s no fun, especially when there are a plethora of fabulous and trendy dresses out there to serve the purpose. Plus, it’s never fun to be cornered and question as to why you have on someone else’s clothes WITHOUT their permission. Trust me. Anyway, here some shirtdresses that I’m loving and lusting for and you should be, too!

Stay Stylish!

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