REVIEW: Panasonic Facial Hair Trimmer

So, in case you are new here, I’m a descendent of a hairy Mexican ancestry, thanks to mi madre. I’m not joking when I say I tweeze some form of facial hair every single day. Actually, it’s something I do in my past time while I’m at work looking for something to do or relax. It’s the new biting nails! I’ve tweezed so much over my life that the nerves around my eyebrows and chin no longer exist. I can tweeze those areas all day, everyday without so much as a flinch.

However, when it comes to my upper lip? Oh, honey, no tweezing. My nerves are still very much active and alert in that area. So, it’s either waxing which hurts like hell, but a overall crowd pleaser or shaving, which is quick, painless, and to the point. I even carry a razor in my makeup for days when the light over my cubicle pick up hairs over my lip that the dull and unsexy light in my bedroom misses.

A few weeks ago, my tried, true, and trusty razor was replaced by Panasonic’s new Facial Hair Trimmer. This little pick tube is fanastic! The sleek and pink look is very discreet and the skin guard and blade makes for not only quick and pain-free hair removal, but a nice cool touch for such an unfortunate task. The only thing that would make this completely discreet is if they could get rid of the whirring sound that the blades make, but the sound isn’t that loud. Still, it would be nice, but it’s coming.

So, if you are looking for a jazzy little portable razor for those unwanted, but needed touch-ups to remove that diabolical facial hair human wigs, look no further than this!

Stay Stylish!

*Disclaimer: This product was sent to me to review. All opinions expressed are mine and were not influenced by anyone or company. trust.

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