Planning Ahead


I’m at that point in life when I’m no longer interested in acquiring everything I want and being seen positively in everyone’s eyes. I’m beginning to focus on the things I need and being happy with just being me. This feeling doesn’t necessarily come with age, but more so with time and maturity.

I’m 32 years old, quickly approaching 33, and I’m just starting to value or in my case, remember the value and importance of planning out things.

In college, I wrote EVERYTHING down and lived my life based off of what was written in my student planner and it was so beneficial. I never had to ask for extra time to turn in a paper, because it slipped my mind, I was never overwhelmed because I hadn’t allotted times for different assignments and projects, and most importantly… I never missed time with friends and family due to the lack of poor time management.

However, this was back in the late 90s and early 2000s and the presence of smart phones packed with apps that help you track out your whole life and then some. Unfortunately, typing my days plan in a thin and chic phone and backspacing completed tasks is not as fulfilling as handwriting the same tasks and the feeling of scratching through said tasks when completed. It is so empowering and motivating to accomplish more things.

So, here’s my little tip for those of you who can’t seem to “get it together” and are constantly dropping the ball in areas in your life: PLAN IT OUT and WRITE IT DOWN.

Even though it seems like your phone and tablet and all your other tech toys can do everything doesn’t mean that it should. So, before today ends, go to the nearest store, even the $1 store and grab a simple notebook or 2 and place it somewhere were you would see it all the time (i.e purse, nightstand, car) and begin to write things down. Small steps, people. Small steps can lead to big results!

Stay Stylish!

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