Lip Products for Chapped Lips

Since it’s winter, it’s also chapped lips season. Pardon me as I let a deep felt ‘Eh!” at just the thought of chapped lips. Although people with chapped lips is one of my pet peeves, it’s also one of the things that I obsessed with not having myself. I’m so paranoid about having chapped lips that I feel like I’ve used every imaginable product for chapped lips.

Despite the tens (maybe triple digits) of number of moisturizing lip products I’ve tried, there have been a quite a few that made lasting and positive impressions on me and my lips. Keep reading to see some classic (and cult) favorites.


  • Fresh Sugar Lip Polish – It’s still hard to believe that some people don’t understand the importance of exfoliating your lips. One of the easiest ways to do it is with a little Vaseline and toothbrush. However, Fresh’s Sugar Lip Polish is nicer way to gently buff way dry skin while softening and conditioning your lips.
  • Vaseline Lip Therapy – Speaking of Vaseline, their lip therapy products not only help to soften lips, but also lock in moisture to prevent the chapped lips from happening. This also comes in the classic Vaseline formula and cocoa butter. However, I recommend the rosy lip for formula for a hint of pink.
  • Clinique Sweet Pots Sugar Scrub & Lip Balm – The latest addition to my makeup bag is also a really great compact that includes scrub and lip balm. It’s available in various colors, but I’m all about any and everything in Clinique ‘Black Honey’.
  • Josie Maran Argan Lip Treatment – Josie Maran Argan products are some of my favorite products, including the lip treatment. It’s very light and perfect everyday balm for those who don’t necessarily have chapped lips, but want to keep it that way.
  • Korres Lip Butter – If you want a moisturizing lip balm that moisturizes, conditions, and gives the same consistency of  color as a lip gloss, then Korres classic lip butter is for you. Very smooth application and very absorbing. Lives in my make-up bag.
  • Carmex Lip Balm – I’ve been addicted to Carmex lip balm since sophomore year of high school when a friend of mine would pull out her jar from her jacket and apply it throughout the day. The heavy menthol smell is what drew me, which can be a little too strong for some. It’s a heavy balm that instantly melts into your skin, but the is very moisturizing. Some people even use this cult fav as cuticle cream, me included. Carmex lip balm is available in a various containers and a different “flavors/scent”. However, I always get the original scent in the tin jar. Nostalgia for life.


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