Sseko Designs

I’ve always been a fan of fashion lines and/or collections that use their profits in a charitable way. Therefore, I’m more than happy to introduce you to Sseko Designs.

Sseko \say-ko\ Designs is a footwear company that was started by a 22 year old journalist to help bright; young women from Uganda continue their education. In an impoverished and male-dominated society, many of these young women struggle to find fair work and cannot continue school. Sseko hires college-bound women to live and work together, while earning money that will go directly towards their university education. The women that Sseko employs will not make sandals forever. They will go on to be doctors, lawyers, politicians, writers, and teachers that will bring change and unification to a country divided by a 22 year-long war.

However, Unlike the Buy One Give One model that has become the trend in social consumerism, Sseko takes a completely different approach to philanthropic fashion. Sseko believes in creating systems that will continue to flourish and positively affect the local economy instead of inundating the market with free goods that actually discourages growth and long-term sustainable impact. Without compromising their unique style, Sseko sandals prove that Africa produces quality and innovative fashion; that Africa can make footwear, not just receive it. And that ethical fashion production can meet community needs.

For more information about Sseko Designs and how you can purchase a pair of their fabulous and cute sandals for an great and empowering cause, visit

Stay Stylish!

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