Browsing Category: Skincare

Basic Skincare Regimen (Day and Night)


Eureka! I feel like I have found the perfect regimen for me that can work day and night…with as minimal products as possible.

Don’t get me wrong, a girl loves her scrubs, masks, and other luxurious feeling skincare products. Unfortunately, said girl doesn’t always have the time to partake in a mini at home spa moment. So, for a while I’ve been trying to come up with a quick and thorough skincare routine that uses as few products as possible, can be completed from beginning to the end within five minutes and can be used morning AND night. I believe that I have finally come up the right products for this feat.

  1. Cleanse – I apply a large pump of Cetaphil cleanser in my hands and rub on face to loosen makeup.  Then I rinse my face and rub in another pump on my makeup less face for one final cleanse. In the morning, one pump does it.
  2. Tone – I recently used up my Mario Badescu Special Cucumber Lotion and replaced it with Mario Badescu Special Cleansing Lotion, which is formulated for oily, acne prone skin. The weather here in Memphis has been fluctuating and getting warm (Sorry my northeastern readers who are currently snowed in), which as caused my skin to get oilier and breakout. So, I switched to this formula, which has been working amazingly.
  3. Treat – This InstaNatural Vitamin C serum first entered my life when I was battling the flu a few weeks ago and it was a pretty much a miracle in a bottle for my dry and dull skin due to being sick. I apply this morning and night I’ve noticed that this has helped with clearing my skin discoloration, because it’s chunked full of skin benefiting and an-aging ingredients. I’m hooked on this stuff!
  4. Moisturize – Speaking of hooked on something; Argan Oil! Once you’ve used argan oil, its almost hard to not find a use in your everyday life. I use this as a  face moisturizer, cuticle oil, and I actually using it as a oil treatment for my hair as I type this. So many uses! I use 1-2 pumps in the morning and 2-3 pumps at night, because it instantly absorbs into my skin without an oily residue.

I’ve been using this routine for about 2 weeks now and it has been amazing. I try to use a mask once a week and add sunscreen to my skin in the morning. However, other than that, this has been my go-to routine and I’m loving it. I really suggest everyone to come up with a quick, but efficient daily skincare routine.

Stay Stylish!

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The One Product You Need In Your Purse for Winter


I don’t know about you, but in my neck of the woods, the weather has been super bi-polar. We can get a handful of days with bitter cold temperatures and then the next day we are hit with a couple of back-to-back sunny and cool fall like days that only require a light jacket or hoodie. The struggle to layer has been real.

Well, yesterday (December 21st) marked the first official day of winter. Hopefully, the cold weather will become more consistent…for me at least. Luckily, I already feel pretty prepared for any and all cold weather. I have a nice down filled coat that makes me look and feel like Stay-Puff Marshmallow man, but hey, I don’t think about that while I’m nestled in it while sipping cocoa in my car. Also, I’ve gathered up all my hats, gloves/mittens, scarves, and winter boots from past seasons. FYI – This is why I always buy classic color and styles so I can reuse them every season without looking outdated. So, I’m winter ready in the clothes and accessories department of my closet.

Now, when it comes to the skin department, it can become a little tricky. There are so many products for so many different winter skin problems; dry skin, chapped lips, rough hands and cuticles. Fortunately, I have found out the one item that can conquer all these problems and then some…Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Protectant.

This cream is a low-key cult favorite among beauty editors and beauty fiends all over the world. Aside from aiding and soothing the typical skin problems and issues that cold weather brings, it’s great for smoothing and defining eyebrows, moisturizing cracked feet and callouses, adding a subtle and shiny glow to makeup application, silky smooth legs, and soothes your skin after waxing, shaving and high sun exposure. This list could probably go on for a while, but I’m going to stop here so you go ahead and get you a tube or two. You’re Welcome!

Stay Stylish!

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IFB Link a’ la Mode f/ Products to Help You Minimize Your Pores


Cozy & Chic

For those of you in the US, Happy Thanksgiving! While we’re all laying around the house waiting for the turkey to come out of the oven, or rooting for their favorite dog to win the National Dog Show, or rooting for their favorite football team, or playing Just Dance on the Wii, just because we’re getting cozy today doesn’t mean we’re not chic. Cozy up to this week’s roundup and have a wonderful day!

Links à la Mode: November 27th

  1. Anami Blog: How To Wear a Camel Coat
  2. Burgundy Whispers: Beauty Bit, Beauty Sleep
  3. Chic & Defined: Cozy & Chic Winter Accessories
  4. Chromobeauty: Guys, We Don’t Wear Makeup For You
  5. Couture Crush: Trending Flash Tattoos: A New Beach Accessory
  6. Fashion Trends & More: 7 Winter Layering Essentials
  7. Fleur d’Elyse: Gifts Under $25
  8. Les Assorties: A Lesson in Fashion History
  9. Miss YoLEE: On Living Abroad
  10. Ms. Fabulous: Dance & Fashion at the Museum at FIT
  11. Musings of a Fashion Designer: Mabeline New York Millennial Fashion Debuts
  12. Myself Expressed: Audi Fashion Houston Five
  13. Pretty Passions: Winter Fashions
  14. Sheela Writes: Imagination is the Blueprint
  15. Stained Couture: Products to Minimize Pores
  16. Storybook Apothecary: The Best Holiday Gift Shops Around the Web
  17. Style Diary Byosy: Wedding Guest: African Style
  18. TLV Birdie: Blogging Tips: Your Questions, My Story
  19. We Are Ready Made: Socialist Youth
  20. Wild Beauty World: On Being Happy & Beautiful at 100

SPONSOR: Shopbop App Melissa shoes, Schutz, Prada Sun, Ferragamo Shoes, Furla, Sneakers, Clutches, Lemnos, Misfit, Janessa Leone & Theory Sale

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3 Must-Have Items In My Purse for Cold Weather


Every season, your daily needs that reside in your bag changes. In the spring and summer, you always try to carry sunscreen, a bright lip products, and a sweet floral scent. In the winter, you become all about moisture.

Like most people, in the winter I try to keep as many hydrating items, as possible. For me, I have 2 areas that get ridiculously dry as soon as cold weather hits and that’s my  lips and hands/cuticles.

Lipsticks and glosses, while making your lips look pretty and shiny, can also speed out the drying of your lips in conjunction with the cold air. So, a really heavy and penetrating lip balm is necessary for me and I have been finding that in Vaseline’s Lip Therapy in cocoa butter. However, I recently stumbled upon their new rose lip balm one and I love it! It’s just as moisturizing as the original and cocoa butter options, but it has a soft rosy scent and hint of pink helps add a flush of natural pink to your cold and pale lips.

Bad cuticles and dry hands are one of my pet peeves to see on people and when I see them on myself, I instantly reach for one of multiple bottles of Sally Hansen Vitamin E cuticle oils and my Nivea Creme tin from the bottom of my purse. These 2 little hydrating gems are amazing on their own, but when combined? Oh, my hands are pretty much miraculous. Clean, soft, and moisturized hands…is the only thing that I like.

Stay Stylish!

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Products To Help Minimize Pores


I love my mom, God rest her soul, but I inherited her bad skin from the huge pores, blackheads to the excessive facial hair. It’s been pretty easy for me to combat the latter two thanks to waxing appointments and blackhead strips, but the large pores? Yes, large pores are hereditary and they are some difficult somethings to tame. Aside from acne, huge pores have been a consistent part of my skin profile that I’ve had deal with all my life, but I only found out that they were a “thing” back when I was in high school.

Now, let me be, as the kids say “100 with you”…no matter what the soft spoken and smooth complexion having lady behind the luxurious beauty counter tells you, there isn’t a product that can remove your large pores. Those products are the unicorns of beauty, they sound lovely, but just don’t exist.

However, there are pore minimizers! Now, the term “pore minimizer” can be little tricky. You might think that they help shrink your pores. Actually, they just help to temporarily shrink your pores and/or shrink them over time, but never remove them.

Like I’ve said, I’ve been dealing with my large pores for awhile now and have tried way too many products over the years to help visually shrink them and trust me, there are plenty of products out there and I feel like I’ve tried about a clean 92% of them. That’s a lot of money spent and shoes rejected for these products. Girl, I mean some fierce boots have been placed back on displays, because I felted I needed a certain product more than I needed a pair of new boots that would have had me strutting a’la Beyonce while walking to my desk.

So, I’ve decided to share some of my favorite pore minimizing products that I have the chance to use and fall in love with over the years.

  • Philosophy Total Matteness Pore Mattifying Pore Eraaser – This is a great serum to apply to you clean skin in the morning to help minimize large pores for flawless foundation application.
  • Perricone MD Enlarged Pores Kit – This is kit contains a duo that treats and minimizes large pores. You use it in the morning and evening and will definitely, over time, notice the size of your pores shrink. It’s very magical and it’s reminded me that I might need to pick this up next time I realize I could eat soup out of my pores.
  • Clinique Pore Refining Solutions Instant Perfecting Foundation – If you are a fan of a 1-2 punch when it comes to foundation and treating while concealing your large pores, look no further than this foundation from Clinique. This buildable foundation helps to you get a flawless and smooth application, while using built in ingredients that will help downsize the appearance of pores over time. This is a win-win in a bottle, ladies!
  • Dr. Jart+ PORE MEDIC Pore Minish Mist – Can you believe that this mist contains powder and toner to to mattyify your skin? Well, it does! Perfect to use under and over; with or without makeup. It’s a keeper.

Stay Stylish!

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