Tag Archives: skincare

Every Other Day Skincare Products

I’m always down for finding ways to tweak everyday routines, which includes skincare routines. Usually, when I find a routine that works, I stick to it everyday. However, every now and I then I run across products that I love, but not ideal to use every day. There are some products that you only need to use every other day; every other day skincare products.

Every Other Day Skincare Products | STAINED COUTURE

Recently, I’ve added three new products to my skincare routine, but only need to use them every other day. In a matter of a few weeks, these products have helped my skin look smoother, brighter, and down right magical. Keep reading to see these life and skin saviors.

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Trying New Beauty Products? Do this first

In case you haven’t caught on, I’m a huge a skincare and beauty products junkie. It’s a pretty serious relationship, because I always make space and room for them in my home and life. Hell, they even have their own closet. However, over the years, I’ve gotten very particular about what products I introduce into my life. There’s a pretty intense vetting system I use before trying new beauty products out, because skin can be very sensitive at times. Okay, it can be sensitive at most times and I know.

What to do before trying new beauty products

Therefore, I have some things I do before I try a new product. In doing so, it saves me time, money, and outbreaks trying to decide what my skin loves and hates. Keep reading to see the things I do before I try a new beauty product.

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Aging Gracefully Skincare Regimen

inexpensive anti-aging skincare regimen

I have a confession. Up until a few months ago, I wasn’t respecting my skin. Pretty much neglecting it and giving it the bare minimum with the occasional treat of a face mask or sheet mask 1-2 times a month, if that. A few months ago, I caught a glimpse of my skin while strolling down the aisle of mirrors at Target. Even though that glimpse was brief, I was still able to notice how dull, dark, and loose my skin looked. Therefore, I knew I had to rework my regular skincare to load it with more anti-aging products. I have affectionately called this my aging gracefully skincare regimen.

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Natural Skincare Routine

natural skincare routine

When my combo/oily skin is acting up by having random breakouts or just feeling and looking “under the weather”, I push aside my strong and almost medicinal strength skincare products and reach for more gentle and natural products.

I pretty much baby my skin when it flares up. Since I’ve cut back on certain types of food such as dairy, sugar, and red meat, my skin hasn’t been very problematic. However, for the times it has, I nurture it by only using natural and chemical free products. Usually, my gentle natural skincare routine clears my skin in the matter of 1-2 days, which is great!

Here are the natural products I currently reach for when I want to calm my skin from a breakout.

Natural Skincare Routine:

natural skincare routine

When my skin is really breaking out, I avoid wearing any make-up. Even though there are natural beauty products out there, I would much rather just refrain from putting anything else on my skin that could potentially clog my pores and aggravate my skin any more. The most I will wear is mascara and maybe fill my brows in. So, in order to remove those products, I use a little bit of coconut oil to gently loosen the mascara and brow products to gently wipe it away with a cotton round. Coconut oil is this best!

To cleanse my skin, I use MaaDisha Neem Enriched Soap5. Although it’s great for chronic dry skin and eczema, which I have neither, it’s also antibacterial. So, it’s great for scaring away bacteria that might want to rest in your pores and create an acne garden. This soap is gentle, calming, and cruelty-free. All winners.

After cleansing face, if needed, I follow it by swiping my skin with a cotton ball soaked with witch hazel to tone my skin.It’s great to catch and remaining dirt on my skin, but also to calm, soothe, and prep my skin for my moisturizer.

Yes, you can’t skip the moisturizer.  I gently rub a couple of drops of Acure Organics marula oil into my skin, which is very light in hydrating. Therefore, I can use it day and night. If my skin is feeling a little dry, I will use a little coconut oil, instead.

I recommend, no matter your skin type, that everyone develops their own natural skincare routine. It might take a minute to find the right cleanser and moisturizer, but it’s worth experimenting.

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3 Must-Have Items In My Purse for Cold Weather


Every season, your daily needs that reside in your bag changes. In the spring and summer, you always try to carry sunscreen, a bright lip products, and a sweet floral scent. In the winter, you become all about moisture.

Like most people, in the winter I try to keep as many hydrating items, as possible. For me, I have 2 areas that get ridiculously dry as soon as cold weather hits and that’s my  lips and hands/cuticles.

Lipsticks and glosses, while making your lips look pretty and shiny, can also speed out the drying of your lips in conjunction with the cold air. So, a really heavy and penetrating lip balm is necessary for me and I have been finding that in Vaseline’s Lip Therapy in cocoa butter. However, I recently stumbled upon their new rose lip balm one and I love it! It’s just as moisturizing as the original and cocoa butter options, but it has a soft rosy scent and hint of pink helps add a flush of natural pink to your cold and pale lips.

Bad cuticles and dry hands are one of my pet peeves to see on people and when I see them on myself, I instantly reach for one of multiple bottles of Sally Hansen Vitamin E cuticle oils and my Nivea Creme tin from the bottom of my purse. These 2 little hydrating gems are amazing on their own, but when combined? Oh, my hands are pretty much miraculous. Clean, soft, and moisturized hands…is the only thing that I like.

Stay Stylish!

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