Browsing Category: Skincare

The perfect 1-2 for a ‘Completely Bare’ chin

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been slowly figuring out a lot of things that my skin loves and needs to look the best it can. Now that I’ve found a skin care regimen that, for the most part, helps my combo/acne skin stay clear, the next thing I needed to do was find out how to clear a few “bumps” in the road that even the strongest regimen couldn’t cross, until now!

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Awhile a back, I reviewed Completely Bare’s Completely Smooth for Body and I love it! In my review, I mentioned that I wanted to try the Completely Smooth for Face. So, Completely Bare was fabulous enough to send it to me to review.

When I got the Completely Smooth for Face, they had also included Bikini Bump Blaster, which was an unexpected surprise.

Why beat around the bush…I get facial hair on my chin. Let me rephrase that, I get stubborn and continuously thick facial hair on my chin that despite weekly waxing, still grows back and just has thick. Ugh, it pisses me off just typing about them!

Anyway, I needed to try and find, not a good, but an awesome hair epilator for my face, but also something to help ingrown hairs.

Although the bikini blaster is for ingrown hairs in the bikini area and thought it would work just as well on my face, I still wanted to try the razor bump pads, which are aimed more for men who get razor pumps. So, I ordered with my own moolah the razor bump blaster pads. They combined with the completely smooth for face seem to be the 1-2 combination I need to keep my chin smooth.

Now, just like with the completely bare for body, don’t expect for your hair to just stop growing for a long time. They do however, slow down the growing process and the hair grows back thinner and not so obvious.

I will say this, I didn’t notice a difference in the texture and formula between the fCompletely Smooth for face and body lotions. The obvious difference is the size of the bottles with the one for body being a little taller.

Also, I after trying both ingrown hair pads for both the bikini area and razor, I also didn’t notice that much of a difference except that the Bikini Blaster had no scent while the Razor Bump Blaster seemed to have a “manly” scent that I kinda liked!

To sum it up, Completely Bare is continuing to get me hooked to their products and if you try them you just might get a hooked, too!

Stay Stylish!

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