Browsing Category: Life

Back Into The Daily Groove

As you might recall, I’ve spend the past couple of weeks dealing with a real bad case of bronchitis. Unfortunately, bronchitis can last for weeks, even a month. Luckily, all I have left from it is a slight cough and I’m pretty much back to normal. However, being out of my normal routine for 2 weeks really set a girl back in all areas of my life. I had to cancel plans with friends and I worked from home more than I was in office. Not to mention, I did spend more than 15 minutes getting ready each, which means no makeup and hair in a bun. I felt and looked rough. However, now I’m back and ready to get back into my daily groove.

Getting Your Daily Groove Back

Although I got through the worst of it, it took me awhile to get back to my normal routine. It felt like everything in my life was off; sleeping pattern, eating habits, and activities. Since I’ve been through this before, I already knew some ways to get my daily groove back. If you are having a hard time getting back to normal after a minor setback, keep reading to see some of my suggestions.

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Daily Affirmations to Start Your Day

Recently, I felt my life and routine getting away from. My days felt off and there were times where I couldn’t tell if I was coming or going. After a while, I knew I had to change some things in my life. The first thing I needed to do was readjust my morning routine. Actually, I needed to get back to a routine. I wasn’t even sticking to my morning skincare routine. Therefore, I decided that I needed to wake up with more gratefulness and one way to do that was start with daily affirmations.

Daily Affirmations Bowl

There are many ways to receive daily affirmations, which includes apps, social media accounts, and books. However, I decided that I wanted to create my own daily affirmation bowl filled with messages catered to my me and my life. if you are interested in learning about the benefits of daily affirmations and how to make you own, keep reading.

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Boozy Creamery Ice Cream Makes Adulting Fun

One of the biggest myths ever is that being adult is fun. Well, maybe, it’s not the biggest myth, but it’s up there. As a child, you have visions of staying up as late as you want, eating whatever you want, and finally buying that pony. They never told you about the consequences. Monday morning meetings, weight gain from just smelling donuts, and BILLS are real. However, there are some highlights to being an adult, such as The Boozy Creamery alcoholic ice cream. Yes, it’s a thing and I’m totally here for it.

The Boozy Creamery Ice Cream Mix

This past weekend, I decided that I was going to spend some time embracing this whole adult life and make some alcoholic ice cream with the help of The Boozy Creamery alcoholic ice cream mix. The best thing about this is that you don’t need an ice cream maker to make it. Keep reading to see the process and the results.

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Currently, I’m in the phase in my life of wanting to spend less money and only live the simplest of necessities. It’s enlightening to find ways and things to help me work toward this lifestyle desire. There’s a new website that will help me work today this change; Brandless.


Brandless is a new website that carries a selection of everyday products. including food and home goods for $3. Yep, just $3. Intrigued? Well, keep reading to find out more about this Brandless brand.

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Areas to Declutter in Your Space

I’m back from my one week sabbatical of mostly laying around the house and binge watching old episodes of The Cosby Show while playing board games with my sister. Needless to say, I was relaxing most of last week. However, I did get a little stir crazy and felt the need to do some productive things around my house. One thing I found myself doing was finding areas to declutter in my home.

areas to declutter

Personally, I declutter areas in my house whenever I’m feeling unfocused. Unless you strive and maintain a picturesque life, I’m sure we all have one or 12 areas in our daily spaces that could use a little decluttering. Keep reading to see some areas that I decluttered and you could probably declutter, too.

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