LINK-END ROUND-UP: March 16, 2018

Stained Couture’s weekly series, Link-End Round-Up, features interesting reads I read from around the internet this week.

Link-End Round-Up: March 16, 2018

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, but it’s been a long week, sis. Work has been overwhelming and I can’t recall when I’m coming or going. Not to mention, I’ve come into the office the past two weekends in a row to make headway with these never-ending projects. Well, I’m not coming in this weekend. Actually, other than going to church, I plan to stay at home and catch up on some rest, TV, books, and any other of my favorite lazy day activities.

Actually, I just really need to meditate, drink some more water, and rest my mind. I try to be an advocate for self-care and one of the best ways to partake in self-care is to rest. Unfortunately, I haven’t been doing that and it’s very unlike me. So, this weekend, I’m not going to think about the office, my desk or my inbox full of other people’s concerns. It can and will wait until Monday.

In the meantime, take some time this weekend to relax and regroup, because spring is only a few days away. #Finally

LINK-END ROUND-UP: March 16, 2018

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