I need a cocktail

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have a hard time shopping for Mother’s Day. My mom just tells me what she wants and I get it and gift wrap it. Yes, she requests gift wrap even if she knows what it is! This year, she wants me to buy her a nice outfit to wear to my little sisters HS graduation next month. (Yay, Erika!)

So, I’m done shopping for Mother’s Day! Now, its back to me and building my ultimate spring and summer wardrobe and with that comes bright and bold jewelry like these cocktail rings from Kenneth Jay Lane. Keep reading for the deets!

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Organizing: My Hair Tackle Box

Last night, I was prepared to pin curl my hair, but in order to do that I had to dig through the the little white plastic basket that I jam with my random hair accessories. At that moment, I was over the little corner of disorganization on my hair shelf and felt like no time was better than to snap that in the bud. Keep reading to see photos of my organization process to tackle this mess.

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