LUST-HAVE LIST: October 2023

LUST-HAVE LIST: October 2023


Happy October! They way that September just breezed in and out this year is unsettling. However, I’m not complaining, because it feels like I have a birthday/anniversary to remember every day in September, including my own birthday. So, again, I’m not complaining it just would have been nice to get a breather. I guess that’s October is going to be for me – a breather.

Now that it’s officially Fall and October, I’m ready for the cool weather and fun festivities. Here are some of the things I would love to acquite this month.

LUST-HAVE LIST: October 2023

  • Quilted Hinged Bracelet – I’ve been wanting to find a thick gold hinged bracelet that didn’t break the bank. This is just the right width and I even like the quilted detail.
  • Duvet Puffer Jacket– The weather is supposed to start dropping soon and I need a ligtweight puffer coat. Saw this one at Target and it’s perfect and super soft.
  • Ultra Mini UGG boots – It’ almost UGG season and I’ve been eyeing a couple of new styles, but this super short classic style is my favorite. I think they’ll be easy to slide on and go – like flip flops.
  • Nike Invincible 3 – My job recently moved even closer to me and I will actually be able to walk towork in 5 minutes. So, I need some new sneakers to walk in. I was thinking about jumping on the HOKA bandwagon, but I can’t get with the look of them. The Nike Invincible have great reviews and look similar to the HOKA, but not as chunky.
  • Kate Spade Cherie Perfume – For my birthday, one of my dearest friends let’s me pick out a “little happy” at Target – I love her so much! I picked out the purse size of this Kate Spade Cherie perfume and I couldn’t stop smelling my wrist while driving home. lol It’s a perfect blend of  fruity and floral, but with a tangy kick. Needless to say, I think I need the full-size!
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LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 29, 2023

LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 29, 2023


Happy Friday, loves! This may be a very quick post, because I today is a hectic day. By the time you’re ready this, I will be in the middle of a move and feeling overwhelmed.  My company is moving locations, which is exciting. However, the actual moving part is kind of stressful, but at least we have movers doing the brunt. I’m mostly stressed about making sure everything arrives over to the new space the same way it left the old space.

Since I’m not a fan of change, I’m a little in my feels. We moved to this space a month after I started, which was over 4 year ago. Back then, I was the customer support manager and now I’m the operations manager. They are not lying when they say a lot can happen in short time.

Although I’m going to be a little sad about leaving this place, but the new office is right across the street. LOL! I have a huge office space, bu I probably won’t do anything except hang my diplomas and a couple of plants. We’re going to be in walking distance of many more resturaunts and a grocery store with a Starbucks. Speaking of walking, I will be a quick 5 minute walk to work, which means that I need to start looking for a new pair of walking shoes. I should’ve asked for a pair for my birthday. 🙁

Let me go ahead and wrap this post up, because I need to make sure I have everything packed up before the movers get here. However, please enjoy the articles in this week’s Link-End Round-Up.

LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 29, 2023

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15 Things I’d Tell 15 year old me

15 Things I’d Tell 15 year old me


15 Things I'd Tell 15 year old me | STAINED COUTURE

I’m not sure if I’m one of those people that want to know the future. However, I love being prepared for the possibilities, because I have anxiety. The other day, I was trying to recall the age when I felt anxious the most. It didn’t take me lomg to realize that was my 10th grade year when I was 15.

That was the year when my life started to change for the first time in a long time. We had moved out the part of city where I had spent modt of life. Not only did Imove to a new neighborhood, but also a new school where I knew absolutely nobody. I was the new chubby girl who was extremely shy and had to learn how to deal with new people in a environment that was completely different from my previous one.

I wish that girl could know what was ahead for her. She was uncertain about everything! Wondered would her life get better, but she never thought about how it would. She eventually be called ‘nonchalant’ by one of the new friends she would meet in high school. In fact, she was nonchalant and that’s what eventually helped her manuver life. Still, if I coulf give that uncertain 15 year a quick minute of insight into her future, this is what I would share with her.

15 Things I’d Tell 15 Year Old Me

  1. Chase happiness -When you seek things/situations that being you happiness, it leaves little to no room for the things that don’t
  2. Stretch more – OMG! The elders aren’t lying when they talk about having loosen those joints up just to ger out of bed.
  3. God is your BFF – In your late 20s, your brother is going to remarry an amazing woman. She’s going to lead you both back into church.. The church leads you to some of your closest friends.
  4. Relationships – You’re going to have some crappy ones – friends and partners. However, you build some really solid relationships, including friends you know you will have for the rest of your life. You end up reconnecting with yur childhood BFF again. You’ll drive to Texas at the middle of a pandemic to celebrate her 40th birthday. God is Good!
  5. 2020 – So, a pandemic happens across the world. Millions die, but we and our family survive. Only Erika and her son got it, but it was quick recovery.
  6. Kids – You never changed your mind about wanting kids. Luckily, all of your siblings had kids and you become an aunt to 4 handsome boys!
  7. Heart break – Yep, it sucks! However, they get easier to process, but not thoses situationship ones, tho! 🙁
  8. Don’t worry about things out of our control– Easier to say than so, because you also develop anxiety in your early 30s. However, you learn to stop worrying when you realize the situation and results are out of your control.
  9. Losing your mom will strengthen you – Wild to say, but #6 and the good people of #3 helped you through it.
  10. You’re going to stop biting your nails – Your late 20s was such a learning time, but also stressful. You become so concerned with your future that you don’t even think about biting your nails. We always wanted naturally long nails like our mom. We have her hands for real now! 🙂
  11. You’re going to lose weight – Slowly, but surely. At this moment, you’re almost in the same size you wore in junior high. Still chubby, but still cute.
  12. Take better care of your skin – I know, we’ve been battling acne for years and makeup helps cover it. However, learning to heal and take better care of your skin is the better option.
  13. College – You do go to college and graduate. However, you go down a profesional path and career that you can’t even imagine. It’s so goood!
  14. Show up – Show up for yourself and others. It’s a small act that can make a huge impact for you and them.
  15. Everything that’s supposed to happen will happen – I’m going to piggback off of #8, because it doesn’t matter what you do or don’t do sometimes. Just enjoy the ride.
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LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 22, 2023

LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 22, 2023


Happy Friday, friends! Have ya’ll been stressed all week because 3 of your 4 nephews had birthdays this week or is it just me? Luckily, today is the last one’s birthday and I’m going to take him and his brother lunch. I will then have a quick break until my birthday on Tuesday, which I plan to spend taking the day off. I’ve reached the point where I  just want to spend my birthday doing nothing. Now that I share my birthday month with my 3 youngest nephews, I need that break.

One thing that’s on my agenda is to finally decorate my balcony. I bought the stuff, but I need to put it up. If I don’t do it this weekend, that’s what I’m going to be doing on my birthday. However, I have to admit that I was a little apprehensive about taking the day off because it’s the day before we’re moving office space at work. Well, now, I feel like it’s going to be the perfect time so that I can rest before such a hectic move.

On second thought, maybe I should knock out the plans to do my balcony this weekend. That way, Tuesday will be all about doing nothing. I can’t wait! Still, I hope you have an amazing weekend and please check out the articles in this week’s Link-End Round-Up.

LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 22, 2023

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