Browsing Category: Life

Small Dining Room Design Inspirations

I’ve decided that my next project is to finally create a dining space in my apartment. Yes, I have a dining area, but I still haven’t used it and I’ve been living there for over 2 years. So, I’m ready to finally try to figure out what I want that space to look and feel like. I’ve been looking at different styled small dining room design and spaces online for inspiration.

Small Dining Room Design Inspirations | STAINED COUTURE

Personally, my home decor style over the years has developed into eclectic details with deep hues of blue and green. Since my living room and dining space is one big open space, both spaces need to miNgle together but noT clash. Hence, this is the main dilemma and casue of my anxiety when I think about this project. Still, I’m ready for this challenge and keep reading to see my current thoughts about how I want to decorate this space.

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Personal Adulting Checklist

I know we’ve all complained about how we encountered situations as an adult that we should’ve learned about before having to go through it. However, there are things in life that you just can’t afford to overlook and should handle ASAP. This are things that are just part of being an adult and will affect you succeed in adulting.

Personal Adulting Checklist | STAINED COUTURE

When I turned 40, I immediately felt like I wasn’t prepared for what was ahead. It was such a weird and emotional realization. However, after sulking for 2-3 business days, I decided that I needed to start preparing and/or working the progress. Keep reading to see the things that we all need to keep in mind and actively get figured out.

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Valentine’s Day Ideas for You

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! Honestly, I’ve never been that big into this holiday – no matter if I’m single or not. The introvert in me doesn’t like attention, which comes with being in a relationship on Valentine’s Day. However, as a person who identifies “gift giving” as my top love language, V-Day can have it’s high points. lol Still, over the years, I’ve found that the best way for me to enjoy the day of love is to focus on doing things that I love. Most Valentine’s Day ideas that you can do for you fall under self-care, which works for me.

Valentine's Day Ideas for You | STAINED COUTURE

So, keep reading to see my list of things that I’ve done for myself on Valentine’s Day. Remember, these are things you can do regardless of your relationship status and can be done all year.

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