Browsing Category: E-Stylist

eSTYLIST: Galentine’s Day GNO 2017

estylist galentine's day outfit 2017

Happy Valentine’s Day and Galentine’s Day! Okay, I completely forgot today was Valentine’s Day until I had to go to the grocery store and the dollar store last night. Last night, all of the parking lots and the Valentine’s Day sections were packed. The checkout lanes consisted of people holding flowers, boxes of chocolates, and covered in a cloud of heart-shaped balloons. I’ll admit, my anxiety was on 100, but I made it out alive.

This year, a couple of girlfriends are in town and we are going to have a small little Galentine’s Day girls night out. We’re just going out for dinner and drinks, because I have an early day tomorrow. My Valentine and I are going to have a Valentine’s Day lunch and then have drinks at his place tonight, which is just my style.

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eSTYLIST: Holiday Parties 2016

estylist holiday parties 2016

Oh, holiday parties! Despite me being an introvert and cringe at most social gatherings, I do enjoy a good holiday Christmas party. Usually, most Christmas parties I get invited to are thrown by close friends and include a full stocked open bar. So, Christmas parties are usually very fun. This year, I have a couple to attend and I’m not sure what I’m wearing to any of them. Well, there is one that I have to dress up as a present with some other friends, but let’s move past that for the moment.

For the most part, I’m hoping to find a green lace dress, but nothing too provocative, obviously. I want to pair the green lace with rose gold accessories. Hopefully, you will be able to get the vision I have with this edition of eStylist for holiday parties 2016. Get all the details from this look below.

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eSTYLIST: Thanksgiving 2016

estylist thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving 2016 is only a couple of days away and I’m just now deciding what I want to wear. Last year, for Thanksgiving, my day was filled with making appearances (and to-go) plates at a couple of family members’ houses. However, this year, my brother and sister-in-law are a hosting a small dinner for us siblings. Nothing to extravagant since there are dinners for everyone to go afterward. However, I plan to immediately go home and get some rest. I’m not quite sure, but I might be participating in some Black Friday shopping.

In regards to what I’m wearing to Thanksgiving dinner, I’m leaning toward a comfy and loose fitting dress and some boots. To give you a better understanding of the vibe I’m going for this year, checkout this year’s eStylist Thanksgiving 2016 look. You can peep last year’s look here.

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eSTYLIST: Hey Fall 2016

eStylist Hey Fall 2016


Yes, fall is finally here!  I love this day, even though it’s still too hot to break out my combat boots and thicker cardigans. I did have my first pumpkin spice latte of the season to commemorate this day, because I refuse to enjoy a PSL in the summer. Very appropriate, might I say. I also decided to welcome it with an estylist Hey Fall look.

My style in the fall is a mixture of layered classic colors and textures with touches of fun prints and accessories, which is featured in this edition of eStylist. Please enjoy!

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eStylist: Hey, Summer 2016

hey summer 2016

Today is the first official day of summer! Hey Summer 2016! It’s hard to believe that today is the first day of summer considering that most of the US (including my area) has been dealing with record high temperatures for the past few days. When I tell you that my AC and cooling fans have been putting in so much overtime these past few days that they deserves raises, if that was possible.

However, today is not only the first day of summer, but also the first day of my vacation/staycation from work and I’m so stoked! As I mentioned last week, I’m going to spend my morning volunteering at my church’s annual youth conference, which I hear is amazing to be apart. Afterwards, it’s all about chilling, napping, and repeat.

Back to summer. Despite these insane high temperatures, I’m looking forward to summer. I already have a few plans here and there lined up that I require the perfect summer outfit. This summer is going to be hot, which can be uncomfortable. Therefore, I my summer style is going to cute, cool, and comfortable. A blend of light colors, classic pieces, and feminine flair.

I created a look that felt hit all the requirements for my summer style.

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