How To Have a Happy Holiday

Although the holiday season is almost over, we about to hit the biggest hurdle; Christmas. The thought of Christmas and being in a house full of people can make you feel a little anxious and stressed out. I’m sure some of you already have family in-town or preparing to go out of town to your family and might already be “over it”. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. You can actually have a truly happy holiday season, if you just actually try.

So, I’m here to share some quick tips to keep in mind this holiday season and so nobody or “grinch” can kill your spirit in this joyous time and how to have a happy holiday. ready? Here we go!

  • Watch Your Words– This can definitely be a challenger when you are dealing with multiple personalities in a confined space. However, there are some simple ways you can achieve this great feat:
    • Mind Your Business – Stay out of conversations and situations that don’t pertain to you.
    • Keep Your Opinions To Yourself – Opinions are like arm pits; everyone has one and most of them stink.
    • Avoid Foolish Arguments – When you somehow realize that you are about to enter or wandered into an argument, just remove yourself and go eat and have a piece of cake.
  • Enjoy The Moments – In today’s era of social media and the need to broadcast every single thing, we sometimes miss the moments and the happiness in them. Sometimes when you’re too busy trying to picture the moments of fun with family and friends you end up not capturing the moment internally and emotionally. I’m just saying.
  • Focus On The Positives – Yes, “Accentuate the positives and eliminate the negatives” is the motto. Christmas time with the ones you love and who love you back should be filled with nothing but positive vibes. If you feel yourself wandering off the path of positivity, then stop and go back over this list to get back on. 😉

I hope you keep these tips in mind this holiday season and into the new year, because these tips are key essentials towards an overall happy life.

I must say that 2015 was a great year for me that allowed me to refocus on the path I want to be on and the people I want on that path with me. I cut a few unnecessary things out of my life and gave up a bad habit or two. Removing things and analyzing plans and goals has been therapeutic and clarified a lot of things for me. Still, I feel like I’m jut getting started and I’m super excited.

Stained Couture is taking the rest of the year off to get more inspired by life and enjoy some moments. See ya’ next year and have a merry Christmas and happy and safe new years!

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