Pantene’s “Not Sorry” Campaign

There is this semi-underground movement going on to empower women that is not getting the full exposure that it should. I feel that is started early last year with Sheryl Sandburg’s Lean In book and quiet movement to help empower women in their work environment and was carried on this year with the hashtag friendly #ImABoss and #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso.

Women are strong and confident, but sometimes we can be seen as timid and too apologetic for choices we consciously make.I know there have been plenty of times which I apologized my actions and/or words making someone else feel some type of way for no warranted reason. I’ve learned to digress from that and stay true to me, because I value my opinions and decisions and unless it physically or mentally affects someone else, then I don’t care. Your emotions, your problem.

So, Pantene is the latest entity to join this “empowering women” with their “Not Sorry” campaign and accompanying #ShineStrong hashtag. They are aiming women to not apologize and weaken their strength.

Learn more about #SHINESTRONG in the above video and on

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