Beauty Uses for Petroleum Jelly

uses for petroleum jelly

Growing up, petroleum jelly was a staple in every medicine cabinet and a top of every dresser in my house and probably yours, as well. Aside from using it as an aid for minor scraps and cuts, my parents would slather that thick and heavy product over our bodies to remove any sign of dry, ashy skin. After shower Vaseline rub down will always hold a place in my memory bank. Despite the heaviness and super glossy look, it was an effective at making sure our skin wasn’t dry.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been experiencing some intense dry areas; mainly on my feet. The heels of my feet have been dry and I feel like I’ve tried every cream, oil, and treatment in my house to no avail. Even a pedicure didn’t help. I was super confused on what could I use to help get rid of these cracked heels so I can wear my sandals with confidence. Somehow my mind dragged me back to my childhood and all those post-bath Vaseline rubdowns my mom would give me to combat dry skin all over my body, including my feet. So, I decided to take a chance and try some old-school petroleum jelly to help cure my current day cracked heels and I’m so glad I did.

Within two nights of slathering my feet and sliding on a pair of socks afterwards, before I go to bed, the cracked skin on my heel softened and starting to peel off (gross, but always interesting.) to reveal that beautiful soft skin I had been yearning to see again after so many months and money spent on failed products.

So, it’s safe to assume that I’m going to have to keep some petroleum jelly in my beauty regimen for now on. Also, aside from being an amazing fighter of dry skin, there are a couple other things you can use that creamy concoction for in your beauty regimen. Here are 3 of my all-time favorite gems.

Favorite Uses for Petroleum Jelly:

  • Protects skin while coloring or treating your hair – When dying or applying any chemical treatment to your hair, protect your skin by applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly all round your hairline. Therefore, if some accidentally gets on your skin, you can easily wipe it off without it harming or staining your skin.
  • Prevents nail polish from getting on your cuticles – Before painting your nails, applying a thin layer of the jelly around your nail bed for the same reason as the previous tip. You can easily wipe aware any excess nail polish.
  • Hydrating undereye mask – Petroleum jelly is very heavy on the skin, but is great to dab on your under eye area before bed. It will help hydrate the area while you sleep and help you wake up to a brighter and hydrated area.



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