Browsing Category: Eats

Favorite Meatless Food Finds

When the world began to implode with Covid-19, I prepared to hunker down like most folks. However, my everyday life didn’t really change much, because I was still going to work. Yet, one thing that drastically changed was my eating habits and options. Not only did I stop eating at most restaurants, even if they were open, I also go vegan and vegetarian a few times. Actually, I go vegan a couple of times a year as a quick digestive detox. So, I know of some really good meatless food finds.

Favorite Meatless Food Finds | STAINED COUTURE

If you interested in discovering some meatless options, keep reading.

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20 Things That Changed My Life In 2019

2019 was a while train wreck that we miraculously survive. For me, it was legit roller coaster of emotions, life events, and me trying to hold on to happiness. So, I decided to share a list of things that changed my life in 2019. Some were good and some were bad – those bad ones were bad BAD.

Door and Window Backdrops for Photography Photo Studio backdrop!

So, keep reading to see the things that changed my life in 2019, but will help me in 2020.

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Easy Appetizers for Game Day

Football season is here and I’m ready fro it. Tomorrow is the first official NFL game of the season. However, my BF has decided to host a watch party this Sunday for when all the other teams play. Thankfully, I don’t have to be there since it’s a “Guys Only”, but I did offer to provide snacks for this testosterone shindig. When you hear “snacks” you might think of few bags of chips and any other food that can be grab with your hand shoveled in your mouth. However, I’m think less bags of chips and more easy appetizers that are game day friendly.

Easy Appetizers for Game Day | STAINED COUTURE

So, I’ve been scouring the Pinterest like crazy for simple apps that are easy, tasty, but still a little manly. I found a few recipes that fit the build and even a dessert that I know will win the day, no matter if your team loses or not. Keep reading to see some prime game day appetizers.

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