Browsing Category: Skincare

Spring Beauty Wishlist 2018

For the past few days, I’ve noticed that my skin is popping. It’s glowing, the texture is smooth, and it feels soft as a baby’s bottom. However, it’s not perfect, because large pores will always be a genetic stain in my life. Still, I’m very happy with the current state of my skin and I’m open to start trying new beauty products again. I have few on my list to try and decided to share them with my spring beauty wishlist.

Spring Beauty Wishlist 2018 | STAINED COUTURE

There are so many products that I want to try, but I’m only sharing the ones that are bonded to my mind. Keep reading to see which products I can’t get off my mind for spring.

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Best Drugstore Sheet Masks You Can Buy

Whenever I’ve had a long and/or bad day, I have a routine that instantly makes me forget about. Said routine usually consists of a watching true crime TV while sipping wine and noshing on wasabi peas with a random sheet mask on my face. As much as I would like to stop using sheet masks, they are just so good for me. I love and embrace any beauty product that can work it’s magic on me with little to no assistance from me. Impulse buying sheet masks, especially drugstore sheet masks. I bulk buy them and hoard them for those days when I feel like only a sheet mask will do.

Best Drugstore Sheet Masks | STAINED COUTURE


Needless to say, I’ve tried a quite a few sheet masks in my life and most of them this past year. In order for this obsession to not be completely done in vain and vanity, I decided to share some of my favorite sheet masks. However, not just any sheet masks, my favorite drugstore sheet masks. Yaasss, I’m about to serve some frugal face sheet mask options!

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IOTW: Aveeno Clear Complexion Cleanser

ITEM OF THE WEEK is a weekly series on Stained Couture that highlights a product we’re currently loving. This week: Aveeno Clear Complexion Foam Cleanser.

Aveeno Clear Complexion Foam Cleanser

I’m having a serious case of the Mondays. Although there a a few reason, I believe I know the main reason; I had to wear boots today. It’s the middle of April I to pull pair boots from the back of my closet that I did prepare to see for another 6-7 months. One day it’s 70 degrees without a cloud in the sky. The next, it’s a cloudy 48 with high winds and I’m trying to figure out how many layers should I wear. I know they say dress for the season, but sundresses and sandals in 40 degree weather is not a good idea. Not only has it been difficult to stick to seasonal outfits, but also seasonal skincare regimens.

I already have combination skin, but dealing with combination skin in combination weather is stressful. So, until Mother Nature picks a season, I’ve been looking for products that can deal with my oily skin on warm days and not dry out my skin on cold day. One product that has been amazing to my skin in these trying days is Aveeno Clear Complexion Foam Cleanser.

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Using Gauze in Skincare Routine

In the beauty and skincare world, there’s always a new wave of trends and techniques. For the most, they are just things that people and “beauty gurus” create to go viral. FYI, those people can go jump of a counter in Macy’s. However, some of these techniques are actually beneficial and ultimate game changers. One such technique that learned about and can’t not do is replacing cotton balls and pads with medical gauze in skincare routine.

Using Gauze in Skincare Routine

Well, maybe this isn’t new, but using gauze to apply skincare products isn’t new to some. However, after personally switching out cotton for gauze in my skincare routine, I think not enough people know how awesome it is. Interested in learning more; keep reading.

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Current Skincare Shopping List

Recently, I’ve been on one of my spending freeze kicks when it comes to buying skincare. I’ve been doing this by fighting the urge to “buy and try” new product, which is one of my favorite hobbies. Therefore, I’ve been very committed to using skincare products that I already have. Unfortunately, this dedication has caused me to reach the point to where I’m running out of products. So, I’ve been forced to create a skincare shopping list a.k.a spend some money.

Current Skincare Shopping List Sprting 2018

Interested in the skincare products on my current “to-buy” list? Well keep reading to list and me justifying why I need each one.

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