Browsing Category: Shoes

Shoes You Need For Fall 2019

So, I’ve been slowly easing myself into fall things, such as adding pumpkin flavors to my coffee. I even pondered buying a pumpkin-scented candle, but that felt too soon. However, I do feel like this is the perfect time to start trying to decide what styles I’m gravitating to this fall. So, let’s start with shoes you need for fall. Well, shoes I need for fall.

Shoes You Need for Fall 2019 | STAINED COUTURE

At the moment, I’m into structured and classic designs – this includes shoes, too. Come take a look.

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Accessorizing Fall 2018

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been slowly acquiring fall pieces that can mix and mingle within my closet. However, I haven’t really been focusing shoes, bags, and tidbits that can use when accessorizing fall wardrobes. Although I have a few key pieces from previous years, it wouldn’t hurt to add a few more.

Accessorizing Fall 2018 | STAINED COUTURE

Thankfully, Shopbop is having one of their “buy more, save more” sales starting tomorrow, which I always use stock up on accessories. So, keep reading to see what accessories I want and need from the sale.

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Lazy Girl’s Guide To Packing For Vacation

Up until my mid-20s, I used to hate traveling for vacation. It was just an absolute headache and that was back when I didn’t have to be responsible for any of the financing. However, I eventually learned to not only like traveling, but love it. I was able to do this my simplifying as many elements of traveling as possible, starting with creating a guide to packing for vacation.

Lazy Girl's Guide To Packing for Vacation | STAINED COUTURE

When I pack for vacation, I start by being realistic of what I’m going to need. I loathe over-packing. Not only are your carrying around waste, but depending on if you’re flying, it can cost you a lot of money. So, I’ve become very conscious of what I really need to bring when on vacation. Not to mention, bringing too many options will leave room for you to overthink. Who wants to overthink anything on vacation, let alone which color shorts to wear? Not me. Minus the basic denim shorts and basic tees, here’s what I include in my guide to packing for vacation.

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Planning My Summer Wardrobe

This past weekend, I came to the realization that Memphis isn’t getting a Spring this year. Having to deal with 90+ degrees weather in the middle of May is ridiculous. So, to help soothe this depressing understand, I decide to start planning my summer wardrobe.

Prepping Summer Wardrobe 2018 | STAINED COUTURE

Keep reading to see what three items are I’m wanting to add to my summer wardrobe this year.

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Sporty Sandals To Kick It In

Please feel free to judge me, but I’m so here for sporty sandals this spring. I had a pair my freshman year of college that I ordered from JC Penney and I wore them all the time. A sandal with the sole of a sneaker combined with the straps of a casual sandal was my vibe. Needless to say, when I started seeing these throwback styles reappear, I’m ready.

sporty sandals

Hopefully, the style will catch on so some of the “fast fashion” spots will produce cute and cheaper options. In the meantime, please view and ponder some options that are currently available.

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