Browsing Category: Health

National Hot Tea Day and hot tea recipes

Did you know that January is Hot Tea Month and that January 12 is National Hot Tea Day? Well, I just learned this the other day, but I’m all for it.


Currently, I’m fasting off coffee for most of the month and it’s been a little rough. However, my stash of Stash Teas has been keeping me going. FYI, this isn’t a sponsored post – Stash teas are just my current go-to teas at the moment. Keep reading to see my favorite tea combinations throughout most days.

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SELF-CARE: 3 Things I Do Most Mornings

I’m one of those people that always try to find things that bring me peace and joy everyday. No matter how small or insignificant it may be OR how if it’s not an instant gratification. This is one of the reasons I’m very big into self-care. If it brings me joy, I proclaim that I’m doing it in the name of self-care.

Self Care Morning Routine | STAINED COUTURE

Because I am into self-care, I try incorporate as many moments of self-care into my day as possible. However, I feel that the moments I create in the morning are the best and they tend to dictate the rest of my day. Keep reading to see the 3 things that I try to do every morning in the name of self-care.

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3 Favorite Ways to De-stress At Work

Like most of people, this has been an unprecedented year, which has forced us to focus more on our mental health. However, I feel like I’m one of the lucky ones whose everyday life hasn’t changed that much. This also includes my emotions, how to acknowledge what am I feeling, and how to deal with them. Still, there are times when I feel so stressed and overwhelmed that I don’t know what to do. This has happened a couple of times while at work, which forced me to figure out how to de-stress at work.

Quick Ways to De-Stress at Work | STAINED COUTURE

Thankfully, I rarely experience these issues, but I have 3 go-to techniques that help me out. Not only do they work, but they are so easy to add to everyday life, if needed. Keep reading to see what I do when I need to quickly de-stress at work.

A couple of months ago, my boss had meditation style music playing while he worked. It sounded so calming. A few weeks after that, I felt like I was going to have a mental breakdown. My mind couldn’t focus, my anxiety was on X-games mode, and by 11 am I was preparing to leave early. However, I too much work to do and didn’t want to use up a half day before trying all I could. That’s when I remembered the zen vibes of my boss’ office music that day. Luckily, I was able to find a meditation playlist on Tidal and let it play quietly in the back for the rest of the day. I was the only one in the office, but it helped me calm down within minutes. Not only was I able to finish my work day, but finish some projects without loosing my mind

A few years ago, I learned about how micromanaging some thing in your life can benefit you. I was fascinated to learn that based on my sleep pattern, especially regarding my coffee intake.  Since I tend to naturally wake up between 4-5 am everyday, it was best for me to have coffee at 9 am and 3 pm. This information was a game-changer. It was best for me to have my first coffee at 9am, because I would’ve been for about 5 hours and I would need a quick charge. Since I have to be at work at 9, I either pick up a cup on the way or brew me a cup when I get in. It helps to jumps start my work day, which I appreciate.

However, my 3 pm cup of coffee is my favorite and I look forward to it everyday at work. My morning coffee usually has a little cream and a couple pumps of flavor. Personally, I prefer my afternoon coffee to be black – no cream or sugar. It helps give me that final push to knock out the last couple of hours of work.

Finally, a quick 15 minutes outside some Vitamin D gives energy and helps to clear your mind. Every time it rains or there is a little breeze going, I try to grab me a few minutes.

What’s one thing you do to help you de-stress at work? Share below.

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Add a Muscle Cream to Your Nightly Routine ASAP

Currently, I don’t have a job where I spend 8 hours a day sitting in front of a computer. Before the job that I have now, I spent almost 8 years having to sit in front of 2 computer monitors all day. Now, my jobs call for me to have to stand, walk, and climb stairs occasionally, which my health appreciates. Unfortunately, that also means that have more nights when my body, especially legs, feel tired and sore. Enter a nighttime routine that now involves muscle creams and things. Yep, I’m that old, folks.

Muscle Creams in Nightly Routine | STAINED COUTURE

Yes, on most nights after a long day at work or when I remember that I have a gym membership, I will break out a muscle cream. Well, it’s not always a cream, because I do have a couple of solid and liquid options.

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20 Things That Changed My Life In 2019

2019 was a while train wreck that we miraculously survive. For me, it was legit roller coaster of emotions, life events, and me trying to hold on to happiness. So, I decided to share a list of things that changed my life in 2019. Some were good and some were bad – those bad ones were bad BAD.

Door and Window Backdrops for Photography Photo Studio backdrop!

So, keep reading to see the things that changed my life in 2019, but will help me in 2020.

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