Browsing Category: Home

Creating A Vibe in Your Space

Earlier this week, I took a couple of personal days off from work to recoup from a hectic work week and Easter weekend. It was definitely one of the best decisions I made in a while, because I was able to to just relax and unwind. However, I did use some of this time to do some long overdue cleaning, organizing, and home styling. For me, when I’m thinking about styling my home, I look at it as creating a vibe. When I think about the vibe I want to create, I think about what I usually do in that space and how I can enhance my happiness when in said space.

Creating A Vibe In Your Space

Of course, everyone’s aesthetic is different. However, there are some core elements that almost anyone can use to help make their space more in tune with their overall vibe. Keep reading to see what items anyone can use to set up their ideal space.

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Spring To-Do List 2018

Today is the first official day of Spring and looks and feels like a cloudy fall day outside my window. However, just knowing that I can be unapologetic when wearing flip flops everyday for the next few months is enough for now. Now that the weather is preparing to warm up, I can finally crack open my personal Spring To-Do list. My list consists of 5 things I won’t to accomplish and/or start doing.

Spring To-Do List 2018

I try to make this list for every season, but I enjoy the spring list better. Mainly, because the weather is nicer and makes things more enjoyable. Keep reading to see the things I’m hoping to do this spring.

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Valet Mirrors To Save Time and Space

As a struggling minimalist, I always get a warm and exciting feeling when I stumble across multipurpose item. Case in point; valet mirrors. Valet mirrors are my new obsession and finding the perfect one for me is my new goal. A valet mirror is a simple piece of furniture that doubles as a mirror and mini catchall for things such as your jacket, keys, spare change, or other things that may reside in your pockets.

Valet Mirrors

After weeks of bookmarking every valet mirror I stumbled upon, I finally dwindled the list down to only a few.

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Curating Makeup Stash

Like I mentioned yesterday, I want to start doing weekly decluttering. One area that I’ve grown accustomed to decluttering regularly is my makeup collection. It’s not at big as the one that 20-something me had, but it’s a perfectly curated makeup collection for mid-30s me. FYI, curating makeup and beauty stashes can be hard.

curating makeup stash

It took me years to get the courage to throw away makeup and beauty products I don’t use. It’s so beneficial to your life by having a curated makeup stash. Keep reading to see some tips to keep in mind the next time you decide to curate your makeup stash.

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Mindful Habits I’m Trying To Create

The act of mindfulness has been a buzz word for the past couple of years. Personally, I’ve been trying to be more mindful of various aspects of my life. In my opinion, mindfulness is an action that should be continuous and part of the everyday life. Although I go back and forth with trying to be more mindful in different areas, there are daily and weekly mindful habits that I’m wanting to add to my life.

Creating Mindul Habits

Being mindful about creating and adhering to new habits is on my to-do list this year. Keep reading to see what mindful habits I’m looking to create in my life.

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